HHR Performance » Fren Tubo

Fren Tubo

Fren Tubo Brake Lines

At HHR Performance, we only carry the best-of-the-best when it comes to motorcycle performance parts. Our selection of Fren Tubo brake lines is some of the best in use today. FREN TUBO produces some of the highest quality Kevlar and carbon fiber brake lines commonly used in MotoGP. If it’s good enough for the pros, it’s good enough for you. They’re currently available in ABS and non-ABS for most current models.

FREN TUBO supplies LCR Honda in MotoGP with its products, as well as various other teams in the world of superbikes and racing.

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More About Fren Tubo

Since 1984 Fren Tubo represents a reference point for the production of flexible pipes for braking systems in steel braid, Kevlar® Du Pont ™, and carbon. To meet the highest demands of the motorcycle racing teams, Fren Tubo has developed a braided carbon fiber piping they utilize in each Fren Tubo brake line and kit. These technological carbon fiber brake lines are characterized by performance and quality beyond imagination.